Ruby on Rails - A Master Class From Basic To Advanced 2024

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Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application development framework that is written on Ruby.

The Framework has many inbuilt-ready solution libraries for multiple tasks. It was developed by David Heinemeier Hanson.

RoR also combines multiple languages such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS. 

RoR is mostly used to create web platforms with high performance. With Ruby on Rails, application development will be much faster and can be modified easily at any time.

It uses only a little amount of code which makes it easy to debug for errors.

Ruby on Rails basically runs on MVC (Modal, View and Controller architecture).

This makes it easy to maintain data with the lowest level of pattern and can also display a portion of all data to the viewer.

Administrative interactions between Modal and View become easier with Controllers.

One of the most well-liked and potent web application development technologies for both new and established software organizations is Ruby on Rails.

Ruby on Rails was the foundation for some of the most popular websites in the world, including Basecamp, Twitter, Shopify, Github, LivingSocial, Groupon, Hulu, Airbnb, Yellow Pages, and many more! 

Most of them still utilize Rails despite massive growth! Developers of Ruby on Rails frequently earn the highest pay in the technology sector.

A full introduction to developing web applications using the hugely popular Ruby on Rails framework is provided through 

The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer training. This course is made up of more than 35 hours of interesting video lectures and written follow-up lectures with instructions, references, and code. This course can be used to :

  • Introduce seasoned Ruby on Rails web application developers to students with no prior programming or web application development expertise.
  • By assisting them in learning the ins and outs of back-end programming with Rails and creating sophisticated apps at will, instructors may provide students with prior experience in Ruby on Rails or web development a leg up in the field.
  • Give both professionals and students the option to convert to Ruby on Rails as their preferred back-end development framework so they can build reliable web apps quickly and realize their ideas.

Ruby on Rails can be used for creating the following

  • Online stores with complicated browsing and buying options
  • Stock marketing platforms
  • Social Networking sites
  • SaaS (Software-as-a-Solution) based applications
  • Non-standard complex projects

Why Should You Learn Ruby on Rails?

Rapid Development Building web applications with Ruby on Rails is fast and easy.
Developer-Friendly Ruby is a pleasure to work with because of its clean syntax and the conventions of Rails.
Rich Ecosystem Rails has a sizable user base, and it comes with plenty of useful libraries.
Built-In Features Rails' pre-assembled tools and functionalities save down on programming time.
Scalability Rails can scale as your website's traffic and data needs expand.
Open Source Due of its free, open-source nature, Ruby on Rails can help you save money.
Active Community The Rails community is always there to help and provide new information.
Web Standards Rails is compliant with established norms and procedures for building websites.
Modularity The modular structure of Rails encourages writing easily maintainable code.
In-Demand Skill  Learning Ruby on Rails can lead to a variety of career paths in web development.

What will you require?

  • A Personal computer
  • A compatible browser
  • Internet connection
  • Knowledge on any programming languages, but not required
  • Any text editors like Sublime Text 2 IDE, Atom or Brackets IDE


Introduction and Setup

  • Logic based thinking warm-up
  • Course Structure
  • Overview of Ruby on Rails
  • RoR Development Environment introduction
  • Project Management Application basic intro
  • SaaS based application overview
  • Univ App Intro
  • Finance Tracker app intro
  • MessageMe chat application
  • Alpha blog app

The Ruby Programming Language

  • Introduction to Ruby
  • Strings introduction
  • Ruby intro - Directions text, references and code
  • Analyser program code
  • Number introduction
  • What are comparison operators
  • If/elsif/else/end
  • Methods introduction
  • Arrays and Iterators
  • Introduction to hashes
  • Authenticator and it’s implementation
  • What is ruby style guide?
  • Area code dictionary application development
  • Object Oriented programming introduction
  • Attributes, getters and setters introduction
  • Mixins application assignment

Introduction to Ruby on Rails

  • Ruby on Rails Overview
  • MVC and Rails app structure
  • cloud-IDE introduction
  • Root Route, Controller and MVC indepth
  • Rails application structure
  • Git introduction
  • Setting up GitHub
  • Front-end introduction
  • More about HTML and CSS
  • Back-end introduction
  • Introduction to Database and tables in rails
  • CRUD, Scaffold and final overview

CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails

  • Alpha blog application and introduction
  • Tables, Migration and naming convention in RoR
  • Rails console and Models
  • CRUD operations on rails console
  • Validations in RoR
  • Introduction to Articles
  • Building forms in RoR
  • How to edit and updates in Articles
  • Deletion of Articles
  • Deployment in Production
  • Rails UI introduction
  • Hyperlinks and other features

Styling for your Rails applications

  • Styling the application
  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Installing Bootstrap, Asset pipeline, JS and webpack
  • Rails 6 v Rails 5 difference
  • Bootstrap installation in Rails 5
  • Building the homepage
  • Layouts in bootstrap
  • Style articles for index page
  • Flash messages
  • Stype show
  • Cleanup layout

Associations and Authentication Systems

  • Users, Associations and ERD introduction
  • Associating One-to-many on rails console
  • How to create users
  • Adding user validation
  • Introduction to One to many associations
  • How to show user info in articles
  • How to alter object state before_save
  • How to add a secure password
  • Creating a new sign up form
  • Creating new users on back-end
  • Editing existing users
  • Showing users and their profile image
  • Adding login form
  • Creating and destroying user sessions
  • Authentication helper methods explanation
  • UI action restrictions
  • Navigation modification based on helpers
  • Controller level restrictions
  • Deleting users
  • Administrator user functionality introduction
  • Admin user viewing and control access
  • Coloured alert message based on type
  • Deploying the features in Production

Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit

  • Introduction to Category Model testing
  • Unit tests validation
  • Controller and tests validation
  • How to create categories and test
  • Integration test introduction
  • Invalid category integration test
  • Listing categories in the Integration test feature
  • Requirement for Admin user and test
  • Updating navigation
  • Many-to-many association Introduction, Back-end, and text references
  • Adding association from UI
  • A complete overview on the Category index and show views
  • How to edit categories
  • Deploying to production

Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets

  • Introduction to local, cloud9 and AWS cloud9
  • Version control
  • Root and login routes
  • Installing Semantic-UI on Front-end
  • Adding navigation menu
  • How to use dropdown functionality and create nav partial
  • Adding favicon
  • Building Chatroom
  • Building user resource, message resource
  • Adding actual messages from table
  • Adding message partial and refractor code
  • Authentication system - creation and destroying session
  • Web socket protocol introduction
  • ActionCable real-time overview
  • Broadcast message modification
  • Beautifying input box, functionality and creating custom scope

Stock Tracker Social Media App

  • Stock Tracker Media app creation
  • Finance Tracker assignment
  • Authentication on Devise gem
  • Creating users from devise
  • Authentication system, login and logout
  • Creating Stock Model with attributes
  • Storing secure API key
  • Stock price display
  • Using Ajax for submission
  • UserStock resource setting up
  • Form submission and Other application functionalities on Stock Tracker

Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads

  • Creating a Photo App
  • Authentication system and sending emails in Production
  • Layout updates and Building homepage
  • Stripe and Payment, and Payment Model Introduction
  • Updating Credit Card payments
  • JS events
  • Devise Registration Controller and Fixing Conflict Bug
  • Image upload and complete prod image upload in Production

Software as a Service (SaaS) Project Management App

  • Project Management App Prerequisites
  • Starting the application
  • Setting up the email
  • Setting up Milia and Devise
  • Adding Bootstrap
  • Building the homepage
  • Plans for tenants
  • Styling and Confirmation
  • Project Controller, Datepicker and Show and list
  • Creating artifacts
  • Setting up AWS
  • Uploading and completing artifacts
  • Fixing AWS issues
  • Stripe and Payment processing - JS details
  • Forms for Credit card
  • Nav partial creating and Bug fixing

Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end

  • New rails App - local and cloud-IDE
  • App Structure, MVC and root route
  • Creating sticky footer
  • CRUB back-end, hamburger and dropdown feature
  • Using partials
  • Creating students resource
  • Extracting redundancies
  • Adding secure password
  • Creating and Destroying sessions
  • Adding associations in Front-end

Rails Installation and usage : Mac

  • MacOS terminal basics
  • CLI tools and text editor
  • NodeJS installation
  • JS Package manager installation - Yarn
  • Ruby version Manager installation
  • Ruby installation
  • Setting up Git
  • Installing and using Ruby 5 and Ruby 6

Rails Installation and usage : AWS Cloud9

  • Setting up AWS Cloud9
  • AWS Cloud9 basics
  • Rails dependencies on IDE
  • Installing and using Rails 5 and Rails 6 on AWS Cloud9

Rails Installation and usage: Windows

  • Powershell basics on Windows
  • Text editor and ruby installation
  • NodeJS and Yarn installation
  • Git installation
  • Rails 5 and 6 rails application

What you’ll learn?

  • Building prototype ideas and presentable apps
  • Professional developer with Ruby on Rails
  • Web application developing
  • Designing and building a virtual web application
  • Setting up rails with JS
  • Utilizing MVC components
  • Adding Ajax to Rails
  • Flux pattern understanding
  • Scaling up Rails production infrastructure
  • Mastering CRUB (Create, Read, Update, and Destroy)
  • Working with Front-end and back-end
  • Bug fixing on RoR
  • Testing applications with RoR
  • AWS Cloud9 IDE
  • Ruby on Rails 5 and 6
  • Integrating Github and Git
  • Securing the application
  • Authentication mechanism implementation

Who can enroll in this course?

  • Aspiring web app developers
  • Anyone who wants to learn Ruby on Rails 5 and 6
  • Determined personnel who wants to learn to code
  • People who are interested in Ruby and Ruby on Rails
  • Entrepreneurs who wants a startup with own app
  • People who loves to implement web app ideas to their life
  • Novice ruby programmers
  • Experts who wants to develop real-world apps with Ruby on Rails

Course Duration

  • 325 Lectures and  35 Hours of on Demand HD Videos
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 8800+ students enrolled
  • Complete Practical Training
  • Download access
  • Watch Videos in Android and iOS App

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